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Report Continued

[[5 columned table]]
| Parties to Action | Nature of Complaint | Date of Trial | Synopsis of Evidence | Decision |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Lewis Carter Saint Mereley Freedmen Plaintiffs - Vs - Henry Haughn wht Defendant Buckingham Co. Va | Referred to settle in accordance with the provisions of a Contract made between the parties for the cultivation of Crops of Tobacco, Corn & Oats on the plantation of Defendant for 1866 | Aug. 8, 1867 | In December 1865 the parties named entered into a contract for the cultivation of Crops of Corn, Tobacco & Oats on the Defendants plantation, in said County, upon terms as follows, viz. The Plntffs to have one fourth of the crop, and to pay one fourth the extra expense attending the cultivating same. The crops were made, and Plaintiffs fulfilled their obligations in accordance with the term of the contract. The Defendant in Dec 1866 without consent of Plaintiffs, disposed of a portion of the Corn-. In June 1867 , disposed of the Tobacco and after Plaintiffs, had made several attempts to get a settlement, consented to it, but through which settlement, Plaintiffs realized only a few dollars each. The evidence showed that Dfdt brought in various accounts & exorbitant charges which consumed the entire interest almost of Plaintiffs in paid Crops. | That the settlement, be made in accordance with the provisions of the Contract, and no accounts be allowed excepting these, contracted directly in connection with same - and which were necessary to promote the interest of said crops. Ordered. That the accounts be produced- balance struck and settlement made at once, all of which was done in the presence of the Military Commissioner. |
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