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[[7 Columned Table]]
| Date 1867 | No of Case | Parties to Suit | Nature of Complaint | Synopsis of Evidence | Decision | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| August 13th | 3 | Continued | of arrears of rent due to Def't by a relative of Pltff |   |   | of her case |

| August 24th | 5 | B. Dillard (c.) vs. R. B. Batts (w) | Suit for wheat raised on shares and siezed by Batts and sold by him, without payment to Plaintiff of his share | Defendant did not appear. Plff claimed 4 bushels of wheat as his share of crop: also alleged that Batts wishes to charge rent for house, which he (Dillard) was to have free by reason of working on shares. | Judgment of $10.00 for Plff. Plaintiff to pay no back rent and to have the house rent free until the corn crop is gathered and divided | This case was adjudicated by request of both parties. |

I certify that the above Report is correct.

J R Stone
Brevet Major and Sub Asst Commr.
Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Military Commr

Head Qrs 2nd Sub Dist.
Petersburg Va. Aug 31st 1867.