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Bureau of R. F. and A Lands
Hd Qrs. A.S.A.C. 2d Div 2d S. Dist. Va
Waverly Sussex Co. Sept 16th 1867

Bvt Major J. R. Stone
Sub Asst Comr 2d SD Va

I have the honor to report the following case of the Commonwealth vs. W. H. Basden charge feloniously and maliciously shooting Nat Cobb (colored) tried by the court of Sussex county on the first Thursday of this month. To the charge the Prisoner pleaded not guilty and Nat Cobb was called as witness for the prosecution  after being sworn said that on the morning of the 24th of July 1867 (he being in the employment of W H Bosden)  Mr Basden came out to the stables where he Nat Cobb was and wanted to know why he had not curried the horses he Cobb told him that he had done so and Basden called him a liar he Cobb then left the stables and went out into the field and in a few moments he heard a gun fired and then commenced to run and then heard another report of a gun and also that one of the shot struck his leg. Upon the cross examination he 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-14 20:25:59