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made several statements directly opposite to those made upon the direct examination which I attributed to his being bashfull and giving evidence before such a large concourse of people (The CH being filled)

Henry Cobb (Father of Nat) was called to the stand and said that he heard two shots fired and immediately went to the stables and when he got there saw Mr Basden with a double barreled shot gun in his hands he asked Mr Basden what Nat had done Basden said he had cursed him and that he shot him and ment that booth loads should have lodged in his damed heart and that he would give him (Nat) a white mans chance  He then went to Nat and found blood running from the wound in the leg nothing further was elicited upon the cross examination.

J.F. Aldrich (white) was called for the defence and stated that he was at the stables in the morning and heard Nat Cobb say that he wouldnt curry any such sheep (meaning the mules and horses) for any damed poor white man upon the cross examination said he saw Mr Basden go to the house and get his gun and heard both reports of it also testified to the good character of Mr Basden and his kindness to the colored people

Doc Mason was then called said that Henry Cobb come