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The United States
James Wilson

Shooting with intent to kill one James Wilson (Cold)

To the charge the Prisoner pleaded Not Guilty

James Wilson (Col'd)
After being duly sworn said I went over to Mr James Deals on Monday (Sept 16th) and commenced pulling fodder and pulled until Thursday Sept 19th at breakfast time of that morning I went up to Mr. Deals house to get my rations for that day  Mrs Deal gave me my rations  I asked her if that was all she was going to give me  she said yes. I told her it wont enough and was going to carry it to Cabin Point and show it to Mr. Deal. Mr. Deal wont at Cabin Point and I left it in the scales at the store and went home. In the afternoon I started to go to Mr. Deals to pull fodder and met him in the road  he asked me what sort of a damd way I was working  I said work how  he said dont ask me how if I did he would blow my damd brains out  I said I hadnt enough to eat and that was the reason why I had stoped work  he kept cursing me and I started back home  he said you go and I will shoot you  I kept on and he shot 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-15 13:37:23