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List of Persons in the City of Petersburg who have discharged their Laborers for exercising the elective franchise in a manner unsatisfactory to them, with the names of the persons discharged.

[[2 columned table]]
| Employers | Employees |
| --- | --- |

| Gen'l Wm Mahone Pres't S.S.R.R. and Edwin Goodwin Mas. Trans. S.S.R.R. | Nelson McRae. |
|   | Albert Grigg. |
|   | Francis Pryor. |
|   | Robin Pryor |
|   | Henry Alston |
|   | Wm Kelly. |
|   | Francis Bland. |
|   | Burwell Jackson |
|   | Richard Gilpers |
|   | James Parson |
|   | Lemuel Booker |
|   | Robert Owen |
|   | Samuel Williams |
|   | Henry Jones |
|   | Lewis Green |
|   | James Parsley |
|   | Simon Book |
|   | Wm Kelly (2nd) |

| Osborn and Cheeves Factory | Carter Brown. |
|   | John A Jones |
|   | Absalom Mencer. |