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Report Continued

[[6 columned table]]
| No Case | Parties to the Action | Nature of Complaint | Date of Ex | Synopsis of Evidence | Decision, Remarks &c |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| No 15 | Peter Jackson  Geo Booker  Andrew Jackson  Patrick Jackson  Plaintiffs vs Pleasant Meredith  Defendant Buckingham Co Va | Failure on the part of Defendant, to comply with the provisions of a certain contract between the parties. | Oct 4th | On the 1st of Jany. 1867, the parties named, entered into a contract, for the cultivation of a crop, of corn, Tobacco, and wheat, on the plantation of Defendant, in Buckingham Co. Va. The Plaintiffs, in accordance with the contract, were to receive, the one forth of the entire crops, raised, after deducting seeding. During the year it became, necessary to employ additional labor, which expense the Defd't insisted should be provided for by the Plaintiffs. The expense was incurred and Plaintiffs, refused to make it good, to any extent, in fact refusing to pay any portion of it. | That the contract, clearly stipulates that any additional expense incurred in connection with the Corn, Wheat, and Tobacco, alluded to, must be provided for by the parties to the contract, "i.e." ¾ of same to be paid by the party, entitled to ¾ of the crops, and the other ¼ to be paid by the parties entitled to the ¼ of the crop, and the division after that, made according to the provisions of the contract.  Ordered  That statements of the proceeds &c of said Corn Wheat and Tobacco be rendered, and a settlement be made in accordance with the contract alluded to.- |