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Monthly Return of Funds Received in Fines and Costs of Military Justices Court of Lunenburg County Va during Month of October 1867

[[10 columned table]]
| Date Received | From what source received | Case No. | Docket | Amount Received | Date Expended | For what purpose expended | Voucher No. | Amount Expended $ | Amount Expended cts |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Oct 1st 1867 | To Balance brought forward from September |   |   | 34.00 | October 31st 1867 | To Mr. Geo. C. Orgain of Lunenburg County for Rent, as per the Approval & endorsement of Asst Commissioner, Oct 8th 1867. | 7 | 30 | 00 |

| Oct 16th 1867 | Fine imposes. | 10 | Criminal | 5.00 |   |   |   |   |   |

| Oct 16th 1867 | Costs of Court. | 10 | Criminal | 1.00 | October 31st 1867 | To expenses of Orderly John Conter in serving summons and making arrests | 8 | 3 | 00 |

Total Amount received during month of Oct 1867  $40.00
Total Amount expended during month of Oct 1867  $33.00
Balance on hand and brought forward  $7.00

I certify on honor that the above is a correct Return of Funds Received and Disbursed by me during month of October 1867

D.J. Connolly
Bvt Capt. USV. Justice of
Peace, & A Sub Asst Coms'r.

Burkeville, Va.
Oct 31st 1867.