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United States Internal Revenue, 
Assessor's Office 2d District Virginia.
Norfolk City, Nov 11th 1867

Gen. O. Brown
Sup. of Freeman

Sir, Permit me to recommend to your kind consideration, Caroline Smith who was sold by her Master when she was only Fourteen years old to a man in Georgia. -

Caroline was born in this state and she informs me that she has now living in Southwest Georgia four children whom she is anxious to have with her here - 

I have advised her to call upon you for advice & assisstance to enable her to gather around her present home her children. - 

Any assisstance you can render this worthy woman will be duly appreciated and kindly reciprocated by 
Your Obt Servt 
Simon Stone
Coll Int Rev. 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-15 22:56:28