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State of Virginia
County of Elizabeth City, To Wit

The Affidavit of William H. Myers, of Elizabeth City County, in the State of Virginia, who being duly sworn according to law, deposeth that he was Provost Marshal, United States Volunteers in the late war of Rebellion from August 1863, to the time of Genl. Butlers expedition to Bermuda Hundred in the spring of 1865 and that during this period his office as Provost Marshall was on the farm, called Roseland, belonging to Joseph Segar, in said County, that during the time he was Provost Marshall as aforesaid he twice took an enumeration or census of the freedmen and their families having residences and homes on the lands of the said Joseph Segar, and that during that entire period, before stated there were domilciled on the said lands an average number of at least four hundred. Further this affiant saith not.

W. H Myers
Late Capt. & P.M

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set hand this 2[[?]]th day of October 1866.
W.R. Willis
Notary Public