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received the first "squatters".

Several colored regiments and batteries were organized on your farm - and when ordered to the front - left their families behind in tents - huts and slab houses;- a division of colored troops encamped there also (about twelve regiments) these troops left their families to be taken care of and rationed by the Government.

I have been on duty here since May 1861, and am aware that rations were issued to these people from that period until September 30, 1866.- and, also; that many of the colored destitutes resided on your farm - tho: in what numerical force I am unable to say;

On the promulgation of Circular Orders No. 8 - dated June 30, 1865, (issued by General Howard.) subsistence stores were issued by me direct to the destitute families.- and for their convenience I established a small issue store on your farm - and in October 1865 - placed Mr. T. O'Beirne in charge - his affidavit covers the period of his employment under my direction.

I am, Sir, Very Respectfully
James Curry
Col: & C.S.V.

[[left margin]] P.S. Lieut: J.H. Hays - 12th U.S. Infy. under my direction - made the issues during the mo's. of July - August and September 1866 - when direct issues ceased. J.C. [[/left margin]]