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those who are more needy than myself. I do not feel able to do much this winter & I cannot leave them to suffer without first asking for help. I am not a beggar. I want nothing for myself, but if Pres. Johnson will not make any provision for them, let the friends of the Freedmen open their purses and assist them until they can stand alone.

Recently orders have been issued to families living on Sinclair, Bates & Smith Farms (places probably familiar to you) to move from there by the 1st of January 1868. Here are over 300 families ordered to pull up and find other homes. In addition to these, families living on the Dr. Wood Farm (old Hospital ground) have received orders by the American Miss. Association (that very benevolent institution) to get away by the 1st of January next. Now in the name of God where are all these people to go to, and how are they to be provided for.

Pres. Linkun & Gen Butler are household words here. next to their God your names stand first on the list of perfect men & the Freedmen's friend, by the Freedmen, but with the Secesh you are far below par.

Very Respectfully
Your Obd Servant,
L.D. Seymour 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-17 14:59:33