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House of Representatives.

Fortieth Congress, US.
Washington, D.C.
December 14, 1867

Maj. Gen. Howard

Dr. Sir:
The bearer, John M. Morris Esq. of Connecticut at my request will call on you for information regarding the Freedmans Bureau. 

Capt. E. H. Ripley of the 8th Conn. Volunteers now in service at Fort Royal, who lost his arm at Antietam is about to be mustered out of the Veteran Reserve Corps. He is a most efficient officer and loyal man. He has the recommendations of Gov. Buckingham, Gov. Hawley and all of the officers under whom he served.
I hope some arrangement may be made by which Capt Ripley may be retained either in the civil or military service connected with your Bureau. 

I should have called on you personally except for illness. 

Very Respectfully
Your obt Servant
H.H. Starkweather

See endorsement of Adj. Gen Whittlesey on back of this

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-14 15:25:07 Confirmed Governor William A. Buckingham and Governor Joseph R. Hawley of Connecticut