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An open account to Hamilton Porter & Co due 6th Decr: 1865 for Eighty Seven dollars & ninety (87.90) cents. An account to R P Griffin & Son due 28th Sept 1865 for Fifty-eight dollars ($58.50) & fifty cents, An open account to D. J. Folley & Bros due 6th March 1866 for two hundred and five dollars (205.29) & twenty nine cents. An open account to Hopkins & Co due Novem: 1865 for one hundred & ninety-five dollars ($195.65) & sixty-five cents. An open account to Cashings & Bailey due 6th March 1866 for one hundred & sixty three dollars ($163.88) & eighty-eight cents. An open account to Warden Johnson & Co due December 6th 1865 for one hundred & ninety three dollars (193.88) & eighty eight cents. An open account to Hodges Brothers due 25th Jany 1866 for Four hundred and Forty four dollars and sixty six cents ($444.66). An open account to F B Laney & Co due 24th Jany 1866 for Sixty Two dollars ($62.51) & fifty one cents. An open account to Parham & Work due 12th Feby 1866, for one hundred and eighty eight dollars ($188.25) & twenty five cents, An open account due   day of   to Woodside Griffith & Hablitzell for about Two hundred ($200.) dollars. And secondly to secure the payment of the following debts liabilities designated as debts of the Second Class To Wit, An open account to Matilda Boyd due 1st Jany 1866 for three hundred and fifty ($350.) dollars. Whatever balance may remain is due and unpaid from the following bonds & promissory Notes respectively after the provisions of the individual Deed of Alfred Boyd to S R Johnson Trustee which bears even date with this Deed Shall have been executed and the proceeds of the property appropriated by the Deed of the said Alfred Boyd to S R Johnson Trustee referred to as bearing even date with this deed Shall have been applied to the payment and satisfaction of said bonds to promissory notes which said bond and notes are enumerated & secured by the individual deed of the said Boyd to wit, Bond of A Boyd Wm T Boyd & J D Whitier to Geo W Burwell Trustee for S A Gayle dated 18th Feby 1862 payable on demand with interest from date for Four Thousand ($4,000) Dollars, Bond of A Boyd Wm T Boyd & Wm Townes Jr to James W Simmons dated 1st day of Jany 1862 payable on demand for about the sum of four thousand one hundred ($4100:) dollars subject to credits endorsed on said bond Note of A Boyd & Son and Edw'd R Chambers to Geo W Burwell dated 26th Feby 1862 payable on demand for five hundred (500) dollars, Note of A Boyd & Son & E H Turpin dated   day of   and payable on demand to W C Jackson for Nine hundred and twenty one dollars (921.16) and sixteen cents. Note of A Boyd & Son & Wm Townes Jr to Miss S E Burton Now Mrs. E A Jeffreys dated this   day of    and payable on demand for Six hundred & thirty one dollars and Seventy three (631.73) cents. Bond of A Boyd & Wm Townes to Edw'd Tarry Gdn L T & J Watkins dated 15th March 1858 payable on demand Three Thousand eight hundred & twenty one dollars ($3871.62) & sixty two cents subject to credits. Bond of A Boyd Wm Townes & Jno Wimbish to Jno M Wright excr: of A P Wright dec'd dated    day of    and payable on demand for Seven thousand Seven hundred and Twenty Six dollars & thirty seven ($7726.37) cents a portion of the interest upon which has been paid, Bond of A Boyd and Wm Townes to J S R Burwell dated the    day of    payable on demand for some eight hundred or a Thousand ($1000) dollars the exact amount not recollected, Bond of A Boyd Wm T Boyd & Wm Townes to Peter Burton dated the    day of    payable on demand for fune hundred & three dollars ($503.38) & thirty eight cents subject to credits, All of the bonds herein enumerated and described after the words "whatsoever balance," being all the bonds in the bond in the Second Class of this Deed and designated as bond secured & provided for by the individual deed of the said Alfred Boyd while upon the face of said bonds individual obligations are in fact the proper & legitimate debts of the concern of the said A Boyd & Son and as such entitled to share their assets. And Thirdly to secure the following debts & liabilities hereby designated as debts of the third Class, to wit, A Note of A Boyd & Son to Eglontin Clack dated  27th Novr: 1865 for Nine hundred and forty four dollars ($944.90) and ninety cents payable on demand. An open accoutn to Wm H Tomslate due 25th Octo 1862 for Four hundred & sixty dollars and forty-seven ($460.47) cents A Bond of A Boyd & J D Whitier to C D Whittle dated    day of    1857 and payable on demand for Fifteen hundred ($1500) dollars. Note of A Boyd & Son & J D Whitier to L M Wilson dated 9th Feby 1860 payable on demand for Five Thousand ($5,000) dollars subject to credits. Note of A Boyd & Son to Edw'd Kern dated