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Clarksville Va. April 16th 1867

To Major Genl Schofield
Commandn'g District No 1.

As Counsel for Henry Duncan, Freedman, of the town of Boydton in the county of Mecklenburg, State of Virginia, I beg leave to enclose a Note executed to said Henry Duncan by Messrs A. Boyd & Son, late Merchants in the town of Boydton, Mecklenburg, Va. on this 12th Feby 1862 (as the face of the note will show) for the sum of Five Hundred and thirty Dollars; the interest on which note has been paid to 28th Nov 1865, as will appear also from an inspection of said note.  The facts of this case are these, as can be shown by reliable testimony.  In the year 1859-60 the said firm of A Boyd & Son borrowed from said Henry Duncan (who was then a slave and continued to be a slave until until the Proclamation of the President of the United States and the practical action of the Government after the termination of War with reference to Emancipation) the sum of Five Hundred Dollars in gold.  The said Henry Duncan, feeling perfect confidence in the solvency of the said firm of A. Boyd & Son renewed the note for $500 with six per cent interest, making the sum of $530 - on the 12th Feby 1862.  It appears, according to the laws of Virginia, that after the 1st day of January 1862, the scale commences of which the amounts found