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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and A. Lands,
Head Qrs. Asst. Com. State of Virginia.
Richmond, Va., May, 6th 1867.

Respectly referred to Capt: Jas. A. Bates. S.A.C. for investigation and report. —
O Brown
Bvt: Brig: Genl Vols
Asst. Comsr.

Bureau R.F & A L
Office Sub A.C. 3d Sub Dist
Richmond Va May 8/67

Respectfully referred to Bv't Cap't B. C. Cook A S A Com'r for investigation and report.

James A. Bates
√ Capt 43d Infty Sub. A.C.

Bureau R.F and A Lands
Office of Asst Sub Asst Com 3d Dist Va
Richmond Va. May 17th 1867

Respectfully returned to Capt James A. Bates Sub Asst. Comr with the information that the within named Freedmen have been cared for from this Office though [[through]] Mr Truehart.

Benj. C. Cook
Bvt Capt. and Asst. Sub Asst Comr
1st Division 3d Dist. Va
E & M
1st Vol 55./67

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-16 21:35:31 changed "Brig." C. Cook to "Benj." (Benjamin)