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Chesterfield Co Va May 4/67

Col Brown

Dr Sir
I have on my farm two old Negroes. Man & wife one about 70 years old the other 60 neither of which can do anything to support themselves. I have been feeding & clothing them since 1865 and I find it is more than I can afford to do & support my own family and therefore write to ask of you which I shall do with them If I can get clothing & rations for them from your bureau — I am willing they should remain where they are not with standing they are an incumbrance to me — but as I once owned them I am willing to furnish house room & fuel but can't afford to feed and clothe them I would be obliged if you would let me know if I can get Rations &c for them & what is the process to get it — & if I cant get it be pleased to let me know what I shall do with them as I cant feed & clothe them any longer
Very Respety
your obt sevt
B. Trueheart

My address Genito PO 1 Powhatan Co Va