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admittance thru the wrong door. There is no night bell leading to our room & others too may have come, & been unable to arouse us.

B. Blair Berkely
M. [[Tavcer?]]
Act. Stwd at U.S 7 Dispensary

May 38th 1867

Respectfully forwarding to Maj. Genl O Brown [[???]]

Dist. Va the above statement - I will add that there is a sign over the proper entrance to the Dispensary directing persons where to enter - and further that I have ordered a night bell be put up at the Dispensary. [[They?]] have further to state that after careful inquiry I am satisfied that any representation that have been made of a want of proper attention o the part of the Hospital Stewards at the Dispensary are unfunded, and must have originated from some motive not connected with the pubic interests

Bvt Lt. Col & [[??]]
Surg in Chief [[?]]
R.F. & A.L. Dist Va