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to this case, and did not see any proceedings either by the court or counsel, that I as an officer of the Bureau could take exceptions to.  There was not any proof presented to the court, to show that Stepney Poulson had a life interest in the property that he was living upon, if Messrs. Caranine & Budd were able to prove, that Mr. Poulson gave said Stepney a life interest in said property it was a duty that they owed to "religion and humanity" to appear before the court, and produce the proof, and more especially the duty of "Ex Chaplin" Tull to do so.

About the 15th of April, Mrs. Poulson and Deputy Sheriff George G. Savage requested me, to explain the law to said Stepney. I went down with said Deputy Sheriff to Stepney Poulson, and explained the law of the state to him, as will be seen by the annexed affidavit of Geo. G. Savage the sheriff that served the writ of ejection upon said Stepney.

A few days before this, said Stepney Poulson although near seventy years of age, was able to walk from his home to my office in less time, than the sheriff could ride from the same place, to make his complaints to me.  I at that time explained the Law to him, telling him that the law would compell him to vacate the House in compliance