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We command you, that you cause Catharine P.W. Poulson to have her possession of a certain lot of ground with the buildings thereon, located near the outer gate of the farm on which said Catharine P.W. Poulson at present resides, - said farm situated on Onancock Creek, in the County of Accomack has recovered against Stepna Poulson, whereof he has been convicted of unlawfully holding her out of possession, as appears of record.  And how you shall have executed this Writ, make known to our said Court, at the Court House, on the last Monday in April instant.  And have then there this Writ.

Witness, John W. Gillet, Clerk of our said Court, at his Office, this 6th. day of April, A.D., 1867, and in the 91st. year of the Commonwealth.

J.W. Gillet, C.A.C.

Executed the within writ on the 25th. day of April, A.D., 1867. by delivering possession of the within described premises to Catharine P.W. Poulson.

G.G. Savage, Dy:
for S.D. Fletcher Sh'ff: -

Transcript of the Record.
Test. J.W. Gillet, C.A.C.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-16 15:08:55