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✓ Lacey. R.S. Capt.  50. 52. 65. 69. 72. 75. 77. 79. 84. 87. 102. 104. 109. 116. 124. 124. 130. 132. 135. 138. 146. 149. 152. 154. 157. 160. 169. 178. 178. 181. 187. 191. 194. 200. 215. 220. 221. 225. 233. 235. 243. 246. 248. 253. 256. 272. 275. 285. 295. 306. 319. 330. 343. 347. 355. 367. 385. 392. 400. 419. 435. 452. 454. 459. 470. 476. 477. 478.
✓ Lacey John 304.
✓ Lacey F. Eq.116. 
✓ "Lamberts Pout" 12.
✓ Landry B. F 315.
✓ "Lashes Saw Smile 259. 269.
✓ Lee General & Estate 75. 122. 
✓ Lee Fitz Hugh 300. 
✓ Lee. R. D. 291. 293. 374
✓ Lee Manna Tom, Augustus Melinda. & William 279.
✓ "Leary Line of Steamer (To Capt)13
✓ Lee Carter 97
✓ Leonard Abram. F. 120. 137. 
✓ Leonard w. G. w 251
✓ Lee Baker P. G 475
✓ Leobel Hasman, Pete. 110. 240
✓ Lewis Nancy 307.
✓ Lewis Col_ 27.
✓ Lessing Wm 202. 
✓ Levers Ben L 110. 161. 411.
✓ Lizzie__ 186. 
✓ Lindsey E. C 12.
✓ Logan Lucy & Elias 278
✓ Loomis John S. Col_ 101. 102. 103.
✓ Lovejoy D_ 339.
✓ Lowell .E. A. Wm. 260. 
✓ Lowe Captain 216. 
✓ Lucas Major_ 121. 
✓ Ludlow John. R. 160. 255. 
✓ Ludlow Brig Genl: 11. 20. 41. 82. 118 
✓ Lyle Jerry & Anna 441
✓ Lyon Captain 30. 245
✓ Lyons James_ 430.
✓ Lynn John R Esq__ 69.
✓ Lynel Nicholas 253. 337. 363. 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-07 07:54:16