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(19) Telegram) 
Richmond June 14th 1865

James  Col. W.L.
Chief Quarter Master
Fort Monroe Va

Have you funds for me if so please inform me by telegragh what amounts.
(Signed) O Brown
Capt & A.Q.M.
Asst Commissioner

J.A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl

Richmond June 14th 1865

Turner  Maj. Genl.
Commanding Dist

Capt Gibson having been relieved from duty in charge of Negro affairs for the City of Richmond and Henrico County. I would respectfully ask that Capt W H Brown 14th U.S. Infantry be directed to succeed him in charge of the office in this City, and that Capt. Miller and Lieut Porter 14th US Infantry, with their respective Guards Stationed at Chimborazo Hospital and Alms House, be continued on duty with this Bureau. any other change at the present time might prove prejudicial to the interests of the Colored people, as well as the poorer classes of whites at the present time under their charge
I have consulted Capt Brown in relation to making this application to yourself, to have him transferred from his present position at Chimborazo to the charge of the office in the City.
I have the honor to be General
Very Respty Your Obt Servt
(sg'd) O Brown
Capt & A.Q.M.
Asst Commissioner

J A. Bates
A A A Genl

Richmond June 14th 1865

Smith  Col: Edwd  W.
A.A. Genl

I would respectfully ask that Lieutenant 
Jno. H. Keatley, 104th Penn. Vols Now detailed for duty in the Department of Negro Affairs at Norfolk Va. be appointed Acting Asst Quartermaster and ordered to report to me for duty in this Bureau.
I have the honor to be Colonel
Very Respty Your Obt Servt
(Sg'd) O Brown Capt & A Q'M
Asst Commissioner &c

J.A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl


Richmond Va June 14th 1865
Whipple  Rev: Geo:
Sec Am: Mis'y Ass.

Dr Sir
Mr John Oliver (Colored) formerly in the employ of your Society is in Richmond and I think would be of Service if your past experience will warrant your giving him a Commission. If you can do this please enclose it to my care.

Yours truly
(Sg'd) O. Brown Capt & A Q'M
Asst Commissioner

J.A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl

Richmond Va June 14th 1865

Kelton  To Brig. Genl I.C.

I have the honor to request that Lieut H.T. Merrell Act. Asst. Quartermaster be detailed to report to me for duty in this Bureau. Lieut Merrell's past experience has eminently fitted him for this duty and I would most earnestly recommend this if consistent with the good of the service this application be favorably considered 
I am General 
Very Respectfully Your Obt Servt
(Sg'd) O. Brown Capt & A Q'M
Asst: Commissioner 

J.A. Bates
A A A Genl

Richmond June 15th 1865
Merrell  Lt H.L.
Act: Asst: Quartermaster

Have been ordered to report to this Bureau for duty. You are hereby appointed Superintendent of Freedmen for the City of Richmond and Henrico County - On assuming this change you will at once divide your District into a suitable number of Sub Districts and appoint an officer as Asst Superintendent over each You will as soon as possible take a census of all the Colored people within your District in accordance with the accompanying form marked "A" Your duties will be to protect the Negroes in their rights as freedmen to See that in their present State of helplessness they are not oppressed or injured by their former Masters by false charges unjust punishment or otherwise. You will aid them by your advice in making contracts for their services if such contracts are liable to be injurious to their interests in all other cases leave them free to make their own bargains. You will let them also understand that when their contracts for Services are made with the whites they are under obligations to and must fulfill the same. You will appeal all contracts that may have been made with the Freemen that are injurious and unconsionable -

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-02 16:20:01 We don't put a | after the last name before you type the first name or rank. The signature comes before "Official", etc... O Brown - not OBrown. "Sg'd" not "signed"