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(29) Telegram) 
Fort Monroe Va. June 17th 1865

Fullerton To Col- 
A.A.G. Bureau Refugees Freedman & C
Cor I & 19th Streets War Department
Washington D.C.

There were two (2) lists sent, one of abandoned Land and one of Confiscated Lands.
None of the Farms in Norfolk and Nansemond Counties reported on the lists are confiscated except that of David I. Godwin, - I do not yet know to what extent Abandon Lands are occupied by the Freedmen in other parts of the State. Send the Commissary.
(Sgd.) O. Brown
Capt & A.Q.M
Asst Commissioner & c

J.A. Bates
A A A Genl

Richmond Va. June 19th 1865

Nichols & Co  Messrs Wm
Norfolk Va.

Your favor of the 15th Inst was duly received. In reply I have to inform you that, the property mentioned has not yet been turned over to the Bureau. will notify you as soon as it is
Very respty Your Obt Servt
(Sgd) O Brown
Col & Asst Commissioner

J.A. Bates
A A A Genl

Richmond June 19th 1865
Harris  Lt Col T. H.
A.A. Genl Dist E. Va.
Norfolk Va.

Your communication of 15th inst was duly received. I have the honor to inform you that the farms of E.C. Lindsey on Lamberts Point Norfolk Va. are in use by the Bureau and cannot be dispensed with.
I have the honor to be Colonel
Very respty Your Obt. Servt.
(Sgd) O. Brown
Colonel and Asst Commissioner

J.A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl


Richmond Va. June 19th 1865
Tilvey Esqr  Wm.
Asst Sp'l Agent, Treasury Dept
Washington D.C.
I received a communication form H.A Kesley Esq'r recommending you for an office in the Bureau - I have most resp't'y to ask if you are now in the Military Service also what position you would like and what Salary, if we are allowed to employ citizens
Very resp't'y Yours & c
(Sgd) O. Brown
Colonel & Asst Commissioner

J.A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl

(33) Telegram) 
Richmond Va. June 21st 1865

Keatty  Lieut J.M.
Supt Freedmen & C
Norfolk Va.

Will Send the T.O. Pearce. tomorrow morning to take the inmates of the Orphan Asylum to Point of Rocks, Send with them rations as ordered
(Sgd) O. Brown Col
Asst. Commissioner

J.A. Bates
A.A.A. Genl

Richmond Va. June 21st 1865
Leary line of Steamers | To the Capt.

Please pass to Baltimore at the reduced fare for Teachers of Freedmen, the Misses Armstrong, Coan and Zeuter
Yours Respty
(Sgd) O Brown Col
Asst Commissioner
J.A.  Bates
A.A.A. Genl

Richmond Va. June 20th 1865

Woodbury  Prof: W.H.
Supt of Schools for Freedmen
State of Va.

I have the honor to forward herewith your appointment as Supt of Schools for Refugees and Freedmen in the State of Virginia. I have to regret that there are no funds at the disposal of the Bureau for the payment of your Salary, but trust that the various benevolent Societies of the North will see that you are properly paid for your Services.


Transcription Notes:
Edited mistakes in transcription. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-02 16:58:44 Esqr or Esq'r - abbrev. for Esquire. Va. A.A.A. Genl resp't'y = abbrev. for respectfully