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Richmond, Va., July 5th 1865

Keatley  Lt. J. H
A.A.Q.M. &c
You will take immediate charge of the Furniture in the Hipkins House lately occupied by W. P. Webster in Duke St at the head of Washington - except Such as belongs to Mrs Hipkins.
Respty Your &c
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col and Asst. Com'r

J. A. Bates

Richmond Va. July 5th 1865

Hartsuff  Maj:Genl:
Comd'g Petersburg Va
Make Capt Toby A.Q.M. - and he Shall be assigned to the District. I have met Capt Toby and believe all you Say of him.
(Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Commissioner

J. A. Bates

(101 Telegram) 
Richmond Va. July 6th 1865

Hartsuff  Maj. Genl.
Comd'g at Petersburg
I have Seen Genl Terry. He will endorse the application of Capt Toby to be appointed A.Q.M. Strongly - Please forward it at once, as I wish to assign Capt. Barnes to another field.
(Sgd) O. Brown Col &
Asst Com'r

J. A. Bates

Richmond Va. July 6th 1865

Simons Surgeon James
Med Director Dept of Va.
I have the honor to State that I am informed there is a large quantity of Hospital Property Such as Beds, Bedding, Bedsteads, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Stoves, Cooking Utensils, &c. &c. that have been in use in the Genl Hospitals of this Dept; and which are no longer required in Such Hospitals. Such property if Sold will realize but very little.
In view of the fact that Thousands of Helpless & infirm Freedmen


will be thrown upon the hands of the Govt for Support of the coming winter, I would respectfully ask that Such property be turned over to this Bureau. 
I am Yours very Respectfully
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col & Asst. Com'r

J. A. Bates

Richmond Va. July 6th 1865

Treasury Dept To the Agent of 
Richmond Va.
Will you please inform me whether you have in your possession any Hospital property formerly belonging to the Confederacy, Such as Stoves, Cooking utensils, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Beds, Bedding &c; also if Such property is in your possession, what authority is necessary for its transfer to this Bureau.
I am Sir Yours &c
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col and Asst. Com'r

J. A. Bates

Richmond Va. July 6th 1865

James  Col W. L.
Chief Q.M.
Will you inform me when a Transport will leave Fort Monroe for any Port in South Carolina. as it is necessary to return large numbers of Freedmen to their homes at distant points - I would respectfully ask that I may as far as possible be furnished with the time of Sailing of all Government Transports.  
I am Colonel
Very respectfully Your obt. Servt.
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col & Asst: Comm'r

J.A. Bates

(105 Telegram) 
Richmond July 7th 1865

Hartsuff  Maj: Genl:
Petersburg Va.
The following telegraph was Sent to Capt Barnes this morning Viz
You will not at present make final application for Genl Hartsuff to turn over matters - Look up affairs at Point of Rocks and City Point, take possession of Such buildings at the latter place as are not required for military purposes and See that there is Sufficient guard over them to protect them. Send copy of this Telegram to Genl Hartsuff
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col & Asst Comm'r

J.A. Bates

Transcription Notes:
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