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(507) Richmond Sept 6th 1865

Atkinson  Esq'r George
Boston Mass

Dear Sir
I enclose bill for storage &c on goods Sent per Schooner paid by me. Lieut Merrell our Supt in this city has forwarded the goods to their destination.
Respty Yours
By order of Col O. Brown 
(Sgd) Charles H. Coxe A.A.A.G

James A Bates

(508)  Richmond  Sept 6th 1865

Barnes  Captain Stuart
A.Q.M and Supt &c
Petersburg Va.

Your report of receipts and expenditures for August was duly received. I return them for correction on form No 15. One employee has not Signed - the whole amount is charged - W G Taylors certificate reads - "from Aug't 1st to July 15th". It is the intention of the Bureau to conform with the Forms used by the Q.M. Dept in the Revised Regulations of the Army in returns of property and cash. Why are part of your employees paid on No 22 and part on No 15(?) You will endeavour in future to be as careful in making out papers as possible, as much delay in making reports to Washington is the result if they are incorrect.
Respty & c 
(Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Com'r

James A Bates

(509)  Richmond Va.  Sept 6th 1865

Ferree  Chaplain J J
Act Supt 5th Dist
I have the honor to return the account of Ed Morgan. The Civilian employees in your Dist must be reported on Form No 2 of the Q.M. Dept and paid on Form 15. from the funds of your Dist. It is intended that the cash and property of the Bureau be kept on Forms Similar to those used by the Quartermasters Dept. Send in your reports for August as soon as possible. No No. 2 Report of Persons &c hired) has been received for July
Respty &c 
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col and Asst Com'r

James A Bates

(510) Telegram)  Richmond  Sept 6th 1865

Lacey  Capt R.S. A.Q.M.
Supt Freedmens Bureau
Lynchburg Va

You were ordered to forward your Estimate for the Quarters Several weeks ago
(Sgd) O. Brown 
Col and Asst Com'r

James A Bates

(511)  Richmond  Sept 6th 1865

Barnes Capt Stuart
A.Q.M. Supt &c

I have the honor to enclose you a requisition for transportation for twenty five freed people, from the war Dept Bureau R.F. &. A.L. dated Washington Sept 4th 1865. You will keep a record of all persons leaving for the north on Government transports with items of age sex &c
Respectfully &c
By Command of O.Brown Asst Com'r
(Sgd) Col H.Coxe. AAAG

James A Bates

(512) Telegram)  Richmond  Sept 7th 1865

Wilder Capt C.B.
A.Q.M and Supt &c
Fort Monroe Va

Will Captain Flagg make report of lands for August for both Districts or will you make the report for yours -answer-
(Sgd) O.Brown 
Col and Asst Com'r

James A Bates
AAA Genl

(513) Richmond Sept 7th 1865

St John  Rev. O.S. 

I am directed by Col Brown to inform you that his application to Bureau Head Quarters at Washington for transportation for Freedmen wishing to go North has been returned with the following endorsement. "The present prospect is that transportation cannot be afforded. Contracts to furnish transportation will have to be made by persons engaging them".
I am very respectfully
Yours &c
(Sgd) R.M. Manly
Asst Supt Bureau Schools

James A Bates

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-05 20:11:31 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-06 22:10:15 J J Ferree = James is his first name.