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(565) Telegram
Richmond, Va. Septem'r 11th 1865

Wilder Captain C.B.
Supt. Freedmens Bureau
Fort Monroe, Va.

William G. Young having been pardoned by the President, his property will restored to him.
You will immediately stop the cutting of wood and lumber on his premises.
(Sigd) O Brown
Col & Asst Comm'r

James A Bates

Richmond Va, Sept 13/65
Asst Supt. Freedmens Bureau
Hanover CH. Va.

From reports that reach these Head Quarters, I judge that your presence is required in the South West section of the County.
I would suggest that you visit that section as soon as possible and that you call on Mr C.W. Dabney for information respecting Bureau affairs in his neighborhood.
Respectfully &c
By command of
Col O. Brown, Asst. Com'r
(Sigd) C.H. Coxe Capt & A.A.A.G.

James A Bates

Richmond, Va. Septem'r 13th 1865

Bohonow  Captain
Supt 10th Dist

I have the honor to inform you that on the 6th inst, orders were issued from Dept Head Quarters directing the detail of one officer for the Counties of King George and Stafford, one for the Counties of Westmoreland and Richmond, one for Northumberland and Lancaster and one for Prince William, to report to you for duty in the Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Resptly Your Obt. Servant
(Sigd) H.B. Scott
Lt. Col. & Insptr Genl.

James A Bates

Richmond Va. Septem 13th 1865

Flagg Captain A.S.
Supt 1st Dist

I have the honor to inform you that on the 26th Ult, an order was issued from Dept Head Quarters, directing Bvt Maj Genl Miles to detail one officer each for the counties of Northumberland, Norfolk, and Accomac, to report to you for duty in the Bureau R.F. & A.L. also one for the Counties of Isle of Wight & Southampton.
Very Resptly
Your Obt. Servt.
(Sigd) H.. Scott
Lt. Col & Insptr. Genl.

James A Bates

Richmond, Va, Septem 13th 1865

Wilder  Captain C.B.
Supt 9th Dist.

I have the honor to inform you that on the 26th Ult. an order was issued from Dept Head Quarters directing Bvt Maj Genl Miles to detail one officer for each of the Counties of Charles City, Gloucester, King William & Matthews, and one for the Counties of James City & New Kent, to report to you for duty in the Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servant
(Sigd) H.B. Scott
Lt. Col. & Insptr Genl.

James A Bates

Richmond, Va. Septem 13th 1865

Lacey  Captain
Supt 7th District

I have the honor to inform you that on the 26th Ult, an order was issued from Dept. Head Quarters, directing Bvt Maj Genl Curtis to detail one office for the Counties of Henry & Patrick, and one for each of the Counties of Bedford, Amherst, Appomattox, Nelson & Franklin to report to you for duty in the Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Very Resptly Your Obt. Servant,
(sigd) H.B. Scott
Lt. Col. & Insptr Genl.

√ Official
James A Bates

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-07 17:19:09