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F   805
Richmond Va Oct, 13th 1865
Flagg Captain A S.
A.Q.M. Supt &c

In your July Return of C. and G.E., you carried forward as on hand, one Recruiting Flag Halliards - In your August Return you have six Recruiting Flag Halliards on hand per last Return - which is right?

Respectfully yours (Sigd) O BrownCol. Asst, Comr.

officialGarrick Mallery AAAG

806  Richmond Va. Oct. 13th 65
Alvord Henry E. 
Act. Supt 5th Dist 

I am instructed by the Asst Comr for the state of Virginia to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 10th inst and to return you the Reports of the Dist for the month of September, remarking that the District was not within the jurisdiction of Col. Brown for but part of the month of September, and that he therefore cannot approve its papers for that month. when the District was detached it was detach with all its resources, and all its liabilities, and as no funds have ever been received from the District, none can be furnished to pay its debts incurred in the administration of its District affairs The District should be made self sustaining. 

I am Sir Yr. obt Servt Sigd James A. Bates Capt And A.A.A.G.

official Garrick Mallery AAAG

807 Richmond Va Oct 13th 65
Barnes Capt Stuart
A.Q.M. & Supt

Your Return of Quartermasters stores was received to day. No copies of Abstracts and vouchers accompanied it. Send these as soon as possible - 

Respectfully Yours Sigd, O Brown Col. And Asst Comr.

official Garrick Mallery A.A.A.G.

808 Telegram Richmond Va. Oct 14th 1865
Barnes Capt Stuart A.Q.M.
Supt. Freedmens Bureau
Petersburg Va.

Turn over the Fodder at Point of Rocks to Lt. C.S. Merrell -


where is the cow - Stationery was sent yesterday - 

O Brown Col. Asst Comr.

Official Garrick Mallery AAAG

809 Richmond Va Oct. 14th 1865
Percy Mr. C. C. 
Cashier &c.

I have the honor to enclose trasportation order No 27. from Norfolk Va. to Fortress Monroe and return good until revoked. 
Please acknowledge receipt

Sigd. O BrownCol. and Asst Comr

official Garrick Mallery AAAG

810 Richmond Va. Oct. 15th 1865
Flagg Capt. A. S.
A.Q.M. Supt. 1st Dist

I have the honor to herewith enclose copies of the order restoring the property of Annie E. Bradford, as also the deeds. Please acknowledge receipt of the deeds. 

I am Captain Yr. obt servant Sigd James A. Bates Capt. A.A.A.G.

Official Garrick Mallery A.A.A.G.

811 Richmond Va Oct. 14th 1865
Terry Major A.
A. A. Genl. Dept Va

I have the honor to enclose herewith Roster of officers and enlisted men on duty in the Bureau of R.F. and A.L. during the month of September 1865

Respectfully yours &c (sigd) O Brown Col. And Asst Comr.

Official Garrick Mallery A.A.A.G.

812 Richmond Va. Oct 15th 1865.
Lacey R. S. Captain A.Q.M. 
Supt. &c

I have the honor to enclose special order no. 274. Par 4. H.Q. Dept. Va. dated Oct 14. 1865. granting you leave of absence for 10 days

Respectfully Yours sigd O. Brown Col. Asst Comr

Official Garrick Mallery A.A.A.G.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-07 15:38:41