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Richmond Va. Oct 20th 1865

Crandon Captain T.F.P.
A.Q.M. Supt &c

I enclose your report of persons and articles hired in September as requested in your letter of 18th inst
Respectfully yours
By order of Col. O. Brown
(Sig'd) James A. Bates
Capt. and AAAG.

Garrick Mallery 

Richmond Va. Oct. 20th 1865.

Taylor W. E. Esq. 
Norfolk. Va.

I have the honor to inform you that so much of the application for the restoration of your property as ntaled property against which a dicree of condemnations had been entered by the District Court was referred to Maj Genl Howard for reinstructions which are as follows. 
"Property against which a dicree of confiscation has been ordered will not be restored until all proceedings against the same shall have been dismissed by the U.S. District Court"
An order will be issued for the restoration of that part of your property - the libel against which has been dismissed and I would suggest that application be made to Mr Chandler District Attorney for dismissal of the other libels. 
I am sir very respectfully
Your obedient servant. 
Sigd  O. Brown 
Col. and Asst Comr

Garrick Mallery 

843 Telegram. 
Richmond Va Oct 20th 1865

Wilder Captain 
Fort Monroe. 

If the terms are reasonable for D. Powers property I hope you will assist the Freedmen or their friend in securing it 
By order of 
Col. O Brown 
sig. James A. Bates 
Capt & AAAG

Garrick Mallery 

Richmond Va. Oct 20th 1865.

Percey Mr. S. C.
Cashier R. F and A L. 
Norfolk Va.

Your communication of 14th inst was duly received. In reply I beg to inform you that I have 


examined the lists of the names of men whose retained bounty is in the possession of the Bureau and find that Nathaniel Somer (alias)  Nathaniel Fannin does not appear. Nicholas Lynch of the 1st U.S.C.C. has $108 23/100 due him as per list above mentioned I believe that the men mustered in at Newport News had each a certificate given them of the Amount of bounty retained - they should be made to produce them as evidence
Very respectfully 
(Sigd) O. Brown 
Col. And Asst Comr.

Garrick Mallery 

Richmond Va. Oct 20th 1865

Flagg Captain A.S. 
A.Q.M. & Supt. 

Enclosed I return your report of Land for September and request that you will state the "length of time rented, and "Rent per month" also the information required under the head of "Remarks" called for in note 1. at the foot of the form of Report. 
Please return the report as soon as possible.
Respectfully yours 
Sigd.  O. Brown 
Col. And Asst Comr.

Garrick Mallery 

Richmond Va. Oct 20th 1865.

Cabell N.F. Esq. 

Dear Sir
Your valuable paper forwarded on the 15th inst. is received. I have read this and your former paper with much interest, and permit me in behalf of the Bureau of thank you for the valuable suggestion these papers contain. 
I shall lay them before the Department at Washington and doubt not but they will receive the attention to which their merits so iminent entitles them 
Again thanking you for your interests in matters so important to the Bureau
I am Sir 
with much interest 
Yr. obt. servant 
Sigd  O Brown
Col. And Asst Comr

Garrick Mallery  

Richmond Va Oct 20th 1866

Lacey Captain R. S.
A.Q.M. Supt &c

I have the honor to acknowledge receipt 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-07 23:26:39 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-10 01:47:37 RICHMOND, Va. IS NOT!! THE ADDRESS OF THE PERSON NAMES ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE PAGE!!! Please SEPARATE the two. RICHMOND IS WHERE THE LETTER WAS SENT FROM, The name on the left is who is receiving the letter.