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Richmond Va. Oct 24th 1865

Bohonon  Captain Supt. &c

We have your estimate of funds for October
Respectfully Yours
By order of Col. O. Brown
Sigd. James A. Bates 
Capt & A.A.A.G.

Garrick Mallery

896 Telegram 
Richmond Va. Oct. 25th 1865

Flagg  Captain A.S. 
Supt. Freedmens Schools 
Norfolk. Va

Why is not the account of F.H. Smith settled. answer.
O. Brown 
Col. Asst. Comr.

Garrick Mallery

897 Telegram  
Richmond Va. Oct 25th 1865.

Barnes  Captain Stuart A.Q.M. 
Supt. Freedmens Schools 
Petersburg Va.

You will not remove any more of the wood belonging to Mr. Watkins until further orders.
O. Brown
Col. Asst. Comr.

Garrick Mallery 

Richmond Va. Oct. 25th 1865.

DeLamater  Surgeon Chief M.O.

It is reported that the Hospitals and Camps for the Freedmen at Petersburg are not properly cared for by the medical officer at that place.
Please investigate and report at your earliest convenience
Yours respectfully
(sigd) O. Brown
Col. Asst. Comr.

Garrick Mallery

Richmond Va. Oct. 25th 1865

Schmettz  F.A.
Hampton Va

I have the honor to inform you in reply to your letter of the 23 inst. that the letter from this Bureau of the 16th inst was not one of instructions but giving you information of what instructions had already been given in the order of Supt.


the instructions which will govern Captain Wilder are those of Sept 1st 
1st the only instructions in fact which have been issued, and until it appears that they are not observed, further action at this H.Q. is unnecessary.
Very respectfully your obedient servant 
(sigd) H. B. Scott 
Lt Col. Insp Genl.

Garrick Mallery 

Richmond Va. Oct 25th 1865

King  Mr Wm. M. 
Supt Cold Sab Schools

I am instructed to inform you in reply to your letter of the 3rd inst that under the instructions which have been received from the Secretary of War, it will be impossible for the Freedmens Bureau to furnish transportation to Ohio for the colored children you referred to.
I would also suggest that the information you desire can better be obtained by direct correspondence with Mrs. Conway thou indirectly through the Bureau and would advise. if you conclude to send for the children. that a man had better be sent on for these.
I am Sir very respectfully
Your obedient servant 
(Sigd) H.B. Scott 
Lt. Col. Insp. Genl. 

Garrick Mallery

Richmond Va. Oct 25th 1865.

Carter  Capt 

The Asst Comr. directs that you proceed with as little delay as possible on a tour of inspection through the counties composing the Peninsula.
You will examine into the system of accounts kept by the Asst Superintendents. You will ascertian whether they are encouraging the Freedmen to enter into contracts for the coming year, and whether contracts are in general use between the Freedmen and their employers. You will also investigate the complaints which have been made that the Planters have organized to prevent the return of any Freedmen formerly held by them as slaves and should you find this to be the case, endeavor to see some of the leading men explain to them the policy of the Bureau and endeavor to induce them to renounce of their own accord a course of action which must prove injurious to their own interests. Ascertain whether the Freedmen are generally employed and whether they give satisfaction as laborers or not. also whether any number of them are

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-06 12:40:15 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-08 02:54:40 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-10 18:46:46 These are LETTERS (or Telegrams) SENT, so Richmond is not the location of the person whose name is listed. He is NOT IN RICHMOND. Just like a letter, the sender's info is top right, and receiver's is top left just below the line of the sender's info. Set up in letter format. "Sab Schools", I guess, are Sabbath Schools.