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981   Richmond Va. Nov. 6th 1865

Flagg  Captain A.S. 
A.Q.M. & Supt
The asst. Comr desires to be informed whether you have any Broom Corn on hand.
I am Captain
Very respectfully &c
(Sig'd) James A. Bates
Capt and A.A.A.G.

Garrick Mallery

982  Richmond Va. Nov 6th 1865.

Merrill  Lieut H.S.
Supt 3rd Dist
I have the honor to enclose the following orders for transportation as requested 
No.81 for Evaline Baker and 3 children from Richmond Va. to Frederick Hall Station Louisa Co Va on Central R.R. Destitute Freedpeople
No. 82. for Marshall Williams, from Richmond Va to Biggleston Station, O. and A.R.R. Va. Destitute and crippled freedman. &c
No. 86. Esther Morris and Ida Patterson from Richmond Va to Lynchburg Va. Colored Children.
Please acknowledge receipt of above named orders by endorsement on this communiciation.  
Respectfully Yours &c
Sigd.  O. Brown
Col. and Asst. Comr.


383  Richmond Va. Nov. 6th 1865.

Merrill  Lieut H.S.
Supt. 3 Dist
Mr. R. Douthat living at Weyonoke 
Charles City Co., States that his laborers are prevented from entering into contracts with him for the following year by Mr. Hiram Tyler, who lives in this city near the old market - Mr. Douthat offers good wages to his employees and it is for their interest that they should contract with them for the coming year. You will therefor send for Mr. Tyler and inform him that his action is not approved by the Bureau, and if it be continued, it will necessitate his arrest.
Very respectfully
Your Obedient servant
Sigd. H.B. Scott
Lt Col. &c.

Garrick Mallery


984  Richmond Va. November 6th 1865

Wilder  Captain C.B.
A.Q.M. and Supt &c
I have the honor to enclose the following orders for transportation viz. N
No. 83. for Jessie Done[[strikethrough]] h [[/strikethrough]]dly and Peter Donedly, from Fort Monroe, to Hanover C.H. Va. Destitute Freedpeople.  
No. 84. for Sarah Warner from Fort Monroe Va to City Point Va (on Govt Boat) Destitute Freedwoman
No. 25. Approved. for Katey Shawenhouse, Rosetta Felton and Nick Felton, form Fort Monroe Va. to Balto Md (on Govt Boat) Destitute freedpeople, &c.
Please acknowledge receipt of enclosed orders by endorsement on this communication.
By order of Col. Brown
Sig'd  James A. Bates
Capt. and A.A.A.G.

Garrick Mallery

985  Richmond Va.  November 6th 1865.

Lacey  Captain R.S.
A.Q.M. and Supt
I have the honor of enclosing the following order for transportation viz.
No. 87. for Johnson Severney from Lynchburg Va to Charlottesville Va. Destitute freedman in Hospl.
Please acknowledge receipt of this communication by endorsement on this communication. 
By order of Col. O. Brown
Sigd  James. A. Bates
Capt and AAAG

Garrick Mallery

985  Richmond Va. Nov. 7th 1865

Easton  Col. John Jr.
Asst Comr &c
Washington DC

I have the honor to enclose receipt of Charles Johnson for thrity dollars forwarded by you in communication dated 9th Oct 1865.
Respectfully Yours
(Sigd)  O. Brown
Col. Asst. Comr.

Garrick Mallery

Transcription Notes:
Reopened for Editing 2023-11-12 22:55:31