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Richmond Va Nov. 9th 1865

Wilder Captain C. B.
A.Q.M. & Supt

I am directed to call your attention to a letter of George T. Tuckerman, giving information about Claiborne Johnson who makes a claim upon Fitz Hugh Lee. for work and labor which was referred to you Sept 14th 1865. with the request that you would attend to this case at once. You will forward to these Head Qrs at once. what action you have taken in this matter.
I am Captain
Your Obedient servant
sigd. James A. Bates
Capt & AAAG.

Garrick Mallery

Richmond Va Nov. 9th 1865.

How. Captain W. S.
A.Q.M. Supt &c

I have the honor to enclose order for transportation requested by Mr. Tukey Ass't Supt at Staunton Va 
No. 95 for Charlotte Hopkins, Susan Birry, Nettie Briggs, and four children. from Staunton Va. to Richmond Va 
Destitute Freedpeople
Please acknowledge receipt of this communication by endorsement on the back. 
Respectfully Yours
By order of Col. O. Brown
(sigd) James A. Bates

Garrick Mallery

Richmond Va. Nov. 10th. 1865

Flagg. Captain A.S.
A.Q.M. Supt &c

Allow me to call your attention to the importance of an early compliance with my instructions in regard to forwarding to these Head Quarters a list of dependent (with their former homes) in order that we may learn the ability of the officers of the Counties to which they belong, to care for them. Please answer this communication.
Respectfully Yours
Sigd.  O. Brown
Col. and Asst. Comr.

Garrick Mallery

Your list for Princess Ann County is received. 


Richmond Va. Nov. 10th 1865.

Wilder Captain C. B.
A.Q.M. Supt &c

Allow me to call your attention to the importance of an early compliance with my instructions in regard to forwarding to these Head Quarters a list of dependents with their former homes. in order that we may learn the ability of the officers of the counties to which they belong to care for them. Please answer this communication
Respectfully Yours
Sigd.  O. Brown
Col. and Asst. Comr.

Garrick Mallery

Richmond Va. Nov. 10th 1865.

Booker Mr. George

I have the honor to forward to you the enclosed telegram from Capt Wilder - 
"Fort Monroe Va Nov. 8th 1865"

"To Col O. Brown
"Mr Booker's son was assured that any and all property identified with reasonable proof of that it belonged to him, an order would be given at once for its restoration. 
"C. B. Wilder
"Capt & A.Q.M.

Please forward in writing any statement which you may have to make, contradictory of this dispatch - 
I am Sir. Yr. Obt. servant
(Sigd)  H. B. Scott
Lt. Col. Inspt. Genl.

Garrick Mallery

Richmond Va Nov. 10th 1865

Barnes Captain Stuart
A.Q.M. Supt &c

The Asst Comr directs that you inform him why Provost Judges are appointed when the Circular from these Head Quarters of date Sept 27, 1865. invites the Citizens and Freedmen to select each class for itself from among the citizens a suitable person to act as agent of the Bureau. 
These agents with the Asst Supt constitute the Court which will adjudicate upon all difficulties that may arise between whites and freedmen or among the Freedmen themselves -
I am Captain Yr: Obt: servt:
Sigd  James. A. Bates
Capt and AAAG.

Garrick Mallery

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-13 19:48:08