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1 Stable  220 x 15 x 8
1 Mill House  30 x 12 x 7.

(3. V. 67)   War Department
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & A.L.
Washington, Jany 10th 1866.

Letter - Circular

In forwarding the report of Officers, and Civilians, on duty in your District, in accordance with Par. 4. of Circular 10. series of 1865 from this Bureau, for the month of January, you will make the list Complete, Each succeeding month, you need only report the alterations that occur. by those relieved, giving the authority, or those assigned giving the Authority. 
By order of,
Maj Genl O O Howard. Com'r
(Signed) Max Woodhull
Asst. Adjt. General

Official copy respectfully forwarded, for the information of the Dist Superintendents. Thereafter the report of changes in Officers, and Civilian agents, will be forwarded to these Head quarters on the last day of each month. The usual monthly report of Officers, and enlisted men, doing duty in the Bureau, will be forwarded at the end of the month.
By order of
Colonel. O Brown
(Signed) James A. Bates
Capt and A.A.A.G

Flagg Capt A. S.
A.Q.M. & Supt 1st Dist.

Garrick Mallery

(3. V. 68)   Richmond Va January 12th 1866

Wilder  Capt. C. B.
A.Q.M. & Supt &c.

Enclosed please find an order, directing, 1st Lt. F. J Massey 5th Regt. V.R.C. to report to you for assignment to duty. In accordance with the wishes of the Commissioner; The Asst Commissioner directs, that Lt. Massey relieve Wm Churchill as Asst Supt. Yorktown, Va. Mr. Churchill will remain at Yorktown, untill, Lt Massey has become familiar with his duties, when he will be 


assigned to Some County where the Exercises of so much discretion will not be Required in the discharge of his Office, as in the County of York. 
Your Obdt Sevt
(Signed) James A. Bates
Capt & A.A.A.G.

Garrick Mallery

(3. V. 69)   Richmond Va January 12th 1866

Commanding Officer. To the
Com. F. 2nd Penna H. A. 

I have the honor to enclose the descriptive list of Private Van. N. Levers, of your company, he having been relieved from duty at these Head Quarters, and ordered to report to his regiment.
By order of 
Col O. Brown, Asst. Com'r
(Signed) James A. Bates
Capt & A.A.A.G.

Garrick Mallery

(1. Enclosure).

(3. V. 70)  Richmond Va January 13th 1866

Whitehurst J. H. Esq. 

Dear Sir,
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Communication of the 5th inst. In reply, permit me to State, that I remember the circumstance of receiving a call from you, with a Freedman that you requested, should be placed at work in Some situation for the government. The name of the Freedman, or what was done with him, has wholly passed from my mind. I hope you are mistaken in your views, in reference to the necessity of the Continuance of the Freedmens. Bureau. May I not look for enough of good sense in Virginia, to the justice to blacks, as black as white. You would Confer a favour on me by inviting freely your views, respecting the feeling between Whites, and blacks, in your neighbourhood, and your opinion in regards to the management of Bureau Affairs. 
I am Sir, with much respect
Your Obdt Sevt
(Signed) O. Brown
Col & Asst Com'r

Garrick Mallery

(3. V. 71)    Richmond Va January 13th 1866

Wilder Capt. C. B.
A.Q.M. and Supt &c.

I have the honor to enclose order for

Transcription Notes:
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