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(3.V.115 1/2)  Richmond Va January 19th 1866

Armstead  R H Esq.
Williamsburg Va
Your letter of the 17th inst is received, and refered to Capt. C.B. Wilder at Fort Monroe, Va. which I think will hurry up your receiving the order.
I am Sir 
Your Obt Sevt
(Signed) James A. Bates.
Capt & A.A.A.G

Garrick Mallery

(3.V.116)  Richmond Va. January 20th 1866

Flagg  Captain A.S.
A.Q.M and Supt &c
The four enclosed cases of Bounty retained were received from Mr H.C. Percy, in a letter dated 17th January. The papers of Nelson Lines and Esquire Massenburg, are correct. Vouchers are enclosed for them to sign. No evidence has been received at this office that the Charles Whitehouse claiming bounty, is the Charles Whitehouse from whom it was retained-

Robert Gatlin Co H. 38th U.S.C.T appears on the lists in this office as having $108 33/100 retained bounty due him. I enclose vouchers for Gatlins Signature, to be returned with the evidence required- In all future cases when application is made for bounty retained under general orders No. 90. series 1864. Dept. Va and N.C. a copy of the discharge papers with affidavit that the person applying is the person therein mentioned,- will be forwarded to these Head Quarters, with the certificate of bounty retained. In cases where the certificate was never received, or has been lost, a copy of the discharge papers, with affidavit, will be forwarded.
I am Captain
Very respectfully
Your Obt Sevt
(Signed) O Brown
Col and Asst Com'r

Garrick Mallery
(4 Enclosures)

(3.V.117)  Richmond Va January 20th 1866

Flagg  Capt. A.S.
A.Q.M. & Supt &c
The Asst Commissioner desires that you inform him as to the character and ability 


of Mr G W Cooke; who has applied for an appointment as Counsel to attend to cases of Freedmen in the Freedmens Court at Norfolk Va; also whether in your opinion. it is necessary that an appointment of this kind should be made.
I am Captain
Your Obt Sevt.
(Signed) James A. Bates
Capt and A.A.A.G

Garrick Mallery

(3.V.118) Richmond Va January 20th 1866

Kasey  R.B. Esq.
Box 626 City P.O.
Col O. Brown directs me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 18th inst. informing him of the destitute condition of Jefferson (cold), in reply the Col. desires me to say, that he should like to see you at his office Cor 12th & Marshall St, in regards to Jeffersons Case.
I am Sir
Your Obt. Sevt.
(Signed) James A. Bates
Capt and A.A.A.G.

Garrick Mallery

(3.V.119)  Richmond Va January '1866

Goodwyn  Mr W.S.
Hicksford, Greenville Co. Va
Dear Sir.
In reply to your communication dated 16th Jan, the Asst Commissioner directs me to state. that, he is unable to give you any information in regards to the two Freedmen (paupers) mentioned in the circular sent your County, beyond their names, which is as follows- viz. John Peter and Peter Woodroffe 
I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Sevt.
(Signed) James A. Bates
Captain and A.A.A.G

Garrick Mallery

(3.V.120)  Richmond Va January 20th 1866

Wilder  Capt. C.B.
A.Q.M and Supt
The Asst Commissioner directs that you forward to these Head Quarters, a copy of your

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