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to this Bureau, and taught by such of the Colored people as have obtained a small degree of Elementary knowledge.

These are being rapidly included within our System of supervision & monthly returns, and the incompetent displaced by better qualified Instructors.

The results of the past few months are gratifying. Many hundreds of the Colored race into whose hands the Primer was placed for the first time in January last, can now spell with rapidity and Correctness, write neatly, and read with facility in the first and second Readers.

The Study for which they show the least aptitude is that of arithmetic.

Though we were compelled to meet, in the inception of our work, all the prejudices and hostilities incident to such an undertaking in this Community, while every degree of opposition, short of actual violence, was freely used against our Teachers, yet in no instance has any ground been yielded, or a School once organised been suffered to be dispersed, terrorized, or broken up.

In the larger towns, and in the more settled and intelligent portions of the State, the distrust and hatred evinced towards the Education of the Negro, may be said to have measurably spent its force, and the Freedmans School is

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-08 10:15:01