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General Catalogue 1871-'72


Thread intervals.
Spider Lines

T^[[m]] T^[[E]] T^[[f]] T^[[g]] T^[[h]]
   |        |      |       |      |

From Observations of Polaris 1870 Nov. 13 Nov. 27 Dec 31 Dec 31, Jan 1 (1871) Dec 21, Jan 7. Jan 9 Jan. 12 Jan. 17 Jan. 22 Jan. 25.
|   |   |
|Tm =|.000 ^[[s[[?]]']]|
|Tm - Te =| 4.962|
|Tm - Tf =| 7.426|
|Tm - Tg =| 9.877|
|Tm - Th =|12.411 |         
|Mean | 6^[[s[[?]]]].935|

Glass Lines
The various diaphragms have all been ruled with the same divisions of the screen.
|Reduction To Mean.|From [[epsilon]] Urs. Min.|From [[delta]] Urs. Min.|From 51 Cephei N.|
|A+ 1|+12.358^[[s]]|+12.370^[[s]]|+12.387^[[s]]|
|A+ 2|+10.275|+10.284|+10.276|
|A+ 3|+8.217|+8.237|+8.244|
|A 1|+4.116|+4.118|[[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] +4.113|
|A 2|+2.047|+2.047|+2.038|
|A 3|+0.019|-.002|+.008|
|A 4|-2.035|-2.089|-2.045|
|A 5|-4.083|-4.106|-4.134|
|A-1 1|-8.221|-8.242|-8.254|
|A-1 2|-10.315|-10.298|-10.269|
|A-1 3|-12.374|-12.318|-12.363

In all the reductions of the General Catalogue, the intervals in each group will be assumed equal and each one = 2.060^[[s]] 

Transcription Notes:
For symbol tags, we are mostly concerned with coded symbols that aren't on a typical QWERTY keyboard. --------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-16 18:09:42 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-25 02:19:58 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-25 22:16:17 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-12 21:41:55 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-16 07:57:42