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Star h Centauri [[alpha]]=13^[[h]] 45^[[m]]5[[strikethrough]] 0[[/strikethrough]]1.79^[[s]] [[delta]]=-31[[symbol - degree symbol]] 1[[overwritten]]9[[/overwritten]]7' 40" ' K = -0.18^[[s]] d[[gamma]]/d1 = 3.43^[[s]] tang [[delta]] = -.61
Z=+73 4[[overwritten]]2[[/overwritten]]0 29 Z=+73[[symbol - degree symbol]] 37"
|   |Date|n|Ts|Tm|ntang [[delta]]|ntg + k^[[3]]|d. T+m^[[16]]|Red. 1871.0|Sum|Red. 1872.0|A.R. 1871.0|A.R. 1872.0|
|1871|May 9|-.106^[[s]]|   |13^[[h]] 45^[[m]] 46.03^[[s]]|+.064^[[s]]|+0.05^[[s]]|+3.02^[[s]]|-1.37^[[s]]|+1.70^[[s]]|[[strikethrough]]1.7[[/strikethrough]]+2.06^[[s]]|13^[[h]] 45^[[m]]|47.73^[[s]]|51.16^[[s]]|
|   |May 14|-.096|   |13 45 46.34|+.058|+.04|+2.42|-1.37|+1.09|+2.06|.43|50.86|
|   |June 6|-.391|   |13 45 48.59|+.238|+.22|-0.12|-1.30|-1.20|+2.13|.39|.82|
|5|June 12|-.420|   |13 45 49.82|+.255|+.24|-1.42|-1.26|-2.44|+2.17|.38|.81|
|1.4|June 14|-.399|   |13 45 50.25|+.243|+.23|-1.41|-1.25|-2.73|+2.18|.52|.95|

47.490 50920
[[lambda]][[alpha]]= +0.036 [[lambda][[delta]]=+0.05" 35.384 +2.8570^[[s]] +-.087

# n Bootis [[alpha]]= 13^[[h]] 48^[[m]] 35.38^[[s]] [[delt]]=+19[[symbol - degree symbol]] 2' [[strikethrough]]25[[/strikethrough]]24.87" K=-.016 [[delta]][[alpha]]/dt=+2.86 tang. [[delta]]=+.34
Z=+23 20 24|z=+23 20
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|1871|June 17 |-.455|   |13 48 35.95|-.154|-0.17|-2.13| -1.05|-3.35|+1.81|48 32.60|35.46|
|   |June 21|-.481|   |13 18 36.20|-.163|-.18||-2.50|-1.01|-3.69|+1.85|.51|.37|
|5|June 25|.421|   |13 48 36.60|-.143|-.16|-2.84|-.97|-3.97|+1.89|.63|.49|
|1.5|June 26|-.423|   |13 48 36.54|-.143|-.16|-.2.92|-.96|-4.04|+1.90|.50|.36|
|   |June 29|-.408|   |13 48 37.19|-.138|-.15|-3.55|-.93|-4.63|+1.93|.56|.42|

32.560 35.420

9 Bootis [[alpha]]= 13^[[h]] 50^[[m]] 43.54^[[s]] [[delta]]=+28[[symbol - degree symbol]] 7' 16" K=-.018 d[[alpha]]/[[delta]]t=+2.74 tang. [[delta]]=+53
Z= +14 15 33 z=+14 15
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|1871|June 14|-.399|   |13 50 43.87|-.211|-0.23|17.1|-1.12|-3.06|+1.62|50 40.81|43.55|                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
|   |June 17|-.455|   |13 50 44.24|-.241| -.26|-2.13|-1.09|-3.48|+1.65|.76|.50|
|5|June 21|-.481|   |13 50 44.57|-.254|-.27|-2.50|-1.05|-3.82|+1.69|.75|.49|
|1.5|June 25|-4.21|   |13 50 44.85|-.223|-.24|-2.84|-1.00|-4.08|+1.74|.77|.51|
|   |June 26|-.423|   |13 50 44.85|-.224|-.24|-2.92|-2.99|-4.15|+1.75|.70|.44|                                                                 

[[lambda]][[alpha]]=-0.078^[[s]] [[lambda]][[delta]]=-.124" 32.898 +4.9764^[[s]] 40.758 43.498

# 50 Cassiopeiae L.C. [[alpha]] = 1^[[h]] 52^[[m]] 3[[overwritten]]3[[/overwritten]]2.90^[[s]] [[delta]]=+71[[symbol - degree symbol]] 48' 0.71" K=+.047 d[[alpha]]/[[delta]]t=+4.97 tang. [[delta]]=-3.04
-35 49 11 z=294 13
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|1871|June 21|-.481|   |13 52 27.68|+1.462|+1.51|+-2.50|+1.
28|+0.29|+6.25|52 27.97|32.94|                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
|   |June 25|-.421|   |13 52 27.97|+1.279| +1.33|-2.84|+0.97|-0.54|+5.94|27.70|.67|
|3|June 27|-.398|   |13 52 28.82|+1.209|+1.26|-3.02|+0.82|-0.94|+5.79|77.88|.85|
|1.5|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |                                   

27850^[[2]] 32.820
[[lambda]][[alpha]]=+.086 [[lambda]][[delta]]=-0.59 7.981 +3.0486^[[s]] 

# [[Tau]] Virginis [[alpha]] = 13^[[h]] 55^[[m]] [[strikethrough]]8[[/strikethrough]]7.98^[[s]] [[delta]]=+2[[symbol - degree symbol]] 9' 53.02" K=-.015 +3.05 tang [[delta]]=+.04
Z=+40 12 56 z=+40 12
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|1871|June 14|-.399|   |13 55 7.92|-.015|-.03|-1.71|-1.10|-2.84|+1.95|55 5.08|8.13|
|   |June 21|-.481|   |13 55 8.66|-.019|-.03|-2.50|-1.06|-3.59|+1.99|5.07|12|
|4|June 25|-.421|   |13 55 8.85|-.016|-.03|-2.84|-1.02|-3.89|+2.03|4.96|.01|
|1.5|June 27|-.398|   |13 55 9.02|-.015|-.03|-3.02|-1.01|-4.06|+2.04|4.96|.01|

5.017 8.067

# [[Theta]] Centauri [[alpha]] = 13^[[h]] 59^[[m]] 9.49^[[s]] [[delta]]=-35[[symbol - degree symbol]] 44' 23" K=-.019 dt/dr+3.55 tang [[delta]]=-.72
Z=+78 7 12 z=+78 3
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|1871|June 14|-.399|   |13 59 8.84|+.287|+0.27|-1.71|-1.38|-2.82|+2.17|59 6.02|9.57|
|   |June 17|-.455|   |13 59 9.10|+.327|+.31|-2.13|-1.35|-3.17|+2.20|5.93|.48|
|5|June 21|-.481|   |13 59 9.51|+.346|+.33|-2.50|-1.31|-3.48|+2.24|6.03|.58|
|1.5|June 25|-.421|   |13 59 9.72|+.303|+.28|-2.84|-1.27|-3.83|+2.28|5.89|.44|
|   |June 26|-.423|   |13 59 9.78|+.304|+.29|-2.92|-1.26|-3.89|+2.29|5.89|.44|

[[lambda]][[alpha]]=+0.024^[[s]] [[lambda]][[delta]]=+0.80" 55.480 +1.6230^[[s]] 5.952 9.502

# [[Alpha]] Draconis [[alpha]] = 14^[[h]] 0^[[m]] 55.48^[[s]] [[delta]]=+64[[symbol - degree symbol]] 59' 17.02" K=-.035 dt/dr+1.62 tang [[delta]]=+2.14
Z=-22 36 28 z=337 24
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|1871|June 14|-.399|   |14 0 58.44|-.853|-0.89|-1.71|-2.00|-4.60|-.38|14 0 53.84|55.46|
|   |June 17|-.455|   |14 0 58.98|-.973|-1.01|-2.13|-1.88|-5.02|-0.26|.96|.48|
|5|June 19|-.408|   |14 0 59.06|-.873|-.91|-2.50|-1.82|-5.23|-0.20|.83|.58|
|1.5|June 21|-.481|   |14 0 59.09|-1.029|-1.06|-2.50|-1.75|-5.31|-0.13|.78|.44|
|   |June 25|-.421|   |14 0 59.18|-.900|-.93|-2.84|-1.40|-5.17|+0.22|54.01|.44|

[[lambda]][[alpha]]=+0.023^[[s]] [[Lambda]][[delta]]=+0.09" 33.723 +2.7391^[[s]] 53.884 55.504

# [[Delta]] Bootis [[alpha]] = 14^[[h]] 4^[[m]] 33.72^[[s]] [[delta]]=+25[[symbol - degree symbol]] 41' 56.17" K=-017 dt/dr+2.74 tang [[delta]]=+.48
Z=+16 40 53 z=+16 41
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|1871|June 14|-.399|   |14 4 34.14|-.191|-0.21|-1.71|-1.18|-3.10|+1.56|4  31.04|33.78|
|   |June 17|-.455|   |14 4 34.45|-.218|-.23|-2.13|-1.16|-3.52|+1.58|30.93|.67|
|5|June 19|-.408|   |14 4 34.76|-.195|-.21|-2.50|-1.14|-3.85|+1.60|.91|.65|
|1.5|June 21|-.481|   |14 4 34.83|-.230|-.25|-2.50|-1.12|-3.87|+1.62|.96|.70|
|   |June 25|-.421|   |14 4 35.10|-.202|-.22|-2.84|-1.08|-4.14|+1.66|.98|.70|

Transcription Notes:
very uncertain about first row. not sure if this is related to table on the rest of the page and if letters are alphabet or greek I put a couple of question marks on an equation between the first and second tables. I'm not clear on what the symbols are above the equations. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-29 13:51:09