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[[phi]]=42[[symbol - degree symbol]] 22' 48.35"
R = +0.25" [[lambda]][[gamma]].[[gamma]]=+0.02
Date u + Tang [[eta]]=2. 1 1 6 4 6
[[delta]]0=-24[[symbol - degree symbol]] 0' 52.8" dv/dt -20.05^[[s]] Rf=-85" -1.32 Rm +0.20 Sin = 2' 11.07"

|   |Tm-T[[delta?]]|Circle Reading^[[image]]|Red. Nor. Vision|Corr. Circle Reading|Zeta'|[[beta]]+[[Tau]]+[[gamma]]|   |[[lambda]][[gamma]]-[[gamma]]| Rm|Rts.|Rm+Rrs+Rf|Red to 1871.0|Red to 1872.0|Rm Rs Rg|I|[[delta]] 1872.0|
|   |+31.8^[[s]]|21' 47.10"|-35.57"|21' 11.53"|-58' 23.18"|+.00264|-2' 11.54"|-.02"|+.21"|+.38"|-.26|+10.58|-9.47|1.58|-6.30" |00' 52.1"|
|   |-20.1|20 49.60|+22.48|21 12.08|58 23.73|+00087|2 11.00|.00|.08|.17|-.60|+10.73|-9.32|-1.92|-8.92|54.9|
|   |+24.9|21 41.35|-27.85|21 13.50|58 25.25|-.00512|9.22|.01|.13|.25|-.47|+|   |[[strikethrough]] -1.79[[/strikethrough]]|   |   |
|   |+19.5|20 13.90|+24.00|20 37.90|57 49.55|-00644|8.82|.03|.08|.05|-.72|+|   |   |   |   |
|   |+19.6|20 15.95|+24.13|20 40.08|-57 51.73|-01336|-6.80|-.04|+.08|+.05|-.72|+|   |   |   |   |

Mean 0 53.50

[[delta]]0=-21[[symbol - degree symbol]] 54' 28.2" 2.07486 -20.05 Rf=-83 -1.30
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |-23.2|14 32.10|26.36|14 58.46|-52 10.11|+.00264|-1 59.54|-.01|+.21|+13|-.49|+9.83|-10.22|-1.79|-6.30|54 28.0|
|   |+22.7|15 25.00|-25.79|14 59.21|52 10.86|+00087|59.05| .00|.10|.09|-.64|+9.94|-10.11|-1.94|-8.92|30.9|
|   |+20.7|15 21.90|-23.52|14 58.38|52 10.03|+.00092|59.08|.00|.08|.08|-.67|+10.01|-10.04|-1.97|-7.07|28.2|
|   |[[strikethrough]]+19.9|14 1.20|+24.88|14 26.08|51 37.73|-00645|57.06|.02|.07|.64|-.12|+10.80|-9.25[[/strikethrough]]   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |-1.42|   |   |
|   |[[strikethrough]]-8.1|14 30.65|-10.13|14 20.52|-51 32.17|-01353|-1 55.17|-.03|+.02|+.72|-.09|+10.80|-9.25[[/strikethrough]]  
 |   |   |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |   |   |   |-1.39|   |   |

[[symbol - degree symbol]] 39.42 -20.034" Mean 54 29.03

[[delta]][[symbol - degree symbol]]=+78[[symbol - degree symbol]] 19' 39.4"[[strikethrough]] 2[[/strikethrough]] 1.6202n -20.03 Rf=+.54 +.84

|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |+3.64|3 24.45|-9.03|3 15.42|+19 32.93|+.01512|+43.18|.| -.14|+.71|+1.11|-31.03^[[72]]|-11.00^[[71]]|+1.95|-7.73|19 39.3|
|   |+1.90|3 19.00|-4.71|3 14.29|19 34.06|+.00264|41.96|.| .04|.69|+1.19|-31.73|-11.70|+2.03|-6.30|40.0|
|   |-5.60|2 59.85|+13.89|3 13.74|19J 34.61|+.00092|+41.80|.| -.34|+.63|+.83|-32.43|-12.40|+1.67|-7.07|38.6|

20 16.68
16.67 Mean 19 39.30

[[delta]][[symbol - degree symbol=-16 49 [[strikethrough]] 13.5[[/strikethrough]]52.0 1.98328 -20.04 -.80-1.24

|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |+21.7|11 6.95|-25.44|10 41.51|-47 53.16|+.00264|-1' 36.81"|-.00|+.08|+.24|-.48|+8.83|-11.21|+1.72|-6.30|49 49.2|
|   |+21.8|10 16.60|+25.50|10 42.16|47 53.81|+.00087|36.42|.00| .07|.24|-.49|+8.90|-11.14|-1.73|-8.92|52.0|
|   |+21.0|11 6.95|-24.62|10 42.33|47 53.98|+.00092|36.43|.00| .07|+.22|-.51|+8.94|-11.10|+1.75|-7.07|50.4|
|   |[[strikethrough]]+20.3|9 43.10|+26.20|10 9.30|47 20.95|-00645|- 34.80|-.01|+.07|+.75|+.02|+9.27|-10.77|-1.22[[/strikethrough]]   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |  

u. 40.85 -20.041" Mean 49 50.53

=[[delta]][[symbol - degree symbol]]=+0[[symbol - degree symbol]] 2' 408"
u+Tg.n=1.7194 1.7194 -20.04 -.62-0.97 [[underlined]]72 71[[underlined]]
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |+25.0|19 22.00|-30.61|18 51.39|+3 56.96|+.01512|-0 -54.26|.| -.00|+.91|+.29|-14.34|+5.70|-68|-7.73|2  39.9|
|   |+26.8|19 26.55|-32.82|18 53.73|3 54.62|+.00264|52.75|.|.00|.93|+.31|-14.54|-5.50|-66.|-6.30|40.4|
|   |+15.8|19 11.65|-19.35|18 52.30|3 56.05|+.00449|52.95|.|.00|+.88|+.26|-14.54|+5.50|-.71|-7.45|40.4|
|   |+20.7|19 18.40|-25.35|18 53.059|3 55.30 |+.00087|41.96|.| .00|.90|+.28|-15.45|+5.50|-69|-8.92|38.6|
|   |+18.1|19 14.95|-22.17|18 52.78|3 55.57| +.00092|-52.52|.| -.00|+.89|+.27|-14.64|+5.40|-.70|-7.07|40.6|
3 33.6  Mean 2 39.98
2.80     +-0.55

[[delta]][[symbol - degree symbol]]=+26 33 24.8  1.2125  -20.00  -.24 -.40
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |-8.7|48 30.65|+9.42|48 40.07|+34 8.28|+.01512|- 16.89|.|-.02|+.73|+.47|-.00|-20.00|+.07|-7.73|33 23.7|
|   |+20.9|49 3.85|-22.89|48 40.96|34 7.39|+.00264| 16.41|.|.092|+.85|+.52|-.44|-20.44|+.12|-6.30| 24.4|
|   |+24.3|49 7.20|-26.61|48 40.59|34 7.768|+.00449| 16.48|.|.13|+.86|+.49|-.60|-20.60|+.09|-7.45| 23.3|
|   |+22.4|49 4.60|-24.53|48 40.07|34 8.28|+.00087| 16.35|.|.10|+.85|+.51|-.75|-20.75|+.11|-8.92| 22.4|
|   |+20.3|49 2.75|-22.23|48 40.52|34 7.83|+.00092|- 16.35|.|-.08|+.85|+.53|-.90|-20.90|+.13|-7.07| 23.6|
Mean 33 23.48

[[delta]][[symbol - degree symbol]]=+26 48 30.6 -19.99 -.24 -.39
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |-13.0|33 18.65|+14.20|33 32.85|+49 15.5|+01512|- 16.61|.|-.03|+.69|+.42|-.00|-19.99|+.03|-7.73|48 31.2|
|   |+22.1|33 52.10|-[[strikethrough]]24[[/strikethrough]].14|33 [[strikethrough]]27.96|49 20.39|-00496|15.85|.|.10|.58|+.24|   |   |-.15[[/strikethrough]]|   |   |
|   |+20.9|[[strikethrough]]32 [[/strikethrough]]27.00|[[strikethrough]] +25.13|32 52.13|48 56.22|-00647|- 15.80|.|-.09|+.39|+.06|-|   |-33[[/strikethrough]]|   |   |
mean 48 31.20

[[delta]]symbol - degree symbol]]=28 58 48.6 -19.97 
1.1371   -.21  -.33
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |+15.3|23 35.05|-16.38|23 18.67|+59 29.68|+.01512|- 14.20|   |-.05|+.76|+.50|-0.48|-20.45|+17|-7.73|58 49.5|
|   |+24.4|23 44.20|-26.13|23 18.07|59 30.28|+.00449|13.86|   |.14|.79|+.44|-1.04|-21.01|+11|-7.45|48.1|
|   |+29.6|23 48.55|-31.69|23 16.86|59 31.49|+.00087|13.74|   |.21|.80|+.38|-1.20|-21.17|+05|-8.92|47.7|
|   |+23.7|23 42.90|-25.38|23 17.52|59 30.83|+.00092|13.74|   |.14|.78|+.43|-1.3.6|-21.33|+10|-7.07|48|
|   |[[strikethrough]]+14.3|23[[/strikethrough]] 28.30|[[strikethrough]]-15.31|23 12.99|59 35.36|-00496|- 13.56|   |-.05|+.52|+.26|-3.52|-13.49|-07[[/strikethrough]]|   |   | 
mean 58 48.03

Transcription Notes:
From Harvard Library regarding what looks like an integration symbol: they said most are actually poorly written deltas. The researcher said that astronomers will sometimes use alpha to represent R.A. and delta to represent Declination. Also, if column title are not clear, do heading as text above the table and use a blank column row to create the table columns needed. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-06 14:39:10 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-07 09:37:50 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-13 12:26:26 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-17 07:25:02 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-17 10:56:09 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-01-19 13:04:08