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0022 W.6. OC QrM &C Bur Potmc Vol.1.1867. Fort Monroe Va. W.13 R.F.& A.L. D of P. 1st V. 1867 Recd O.C. QrM &C Bur Potmc Jany 11.1867 Whytal Thos. G. Bvt. Lt. Col. & A.Q.M. Requests instructions relative to public horses in the 5th Dist. States that there are 35 horses and 9 mules the property of the Qr. Mr. Dept and 2 horses Bureau Property, and that if the officers manual is to be strictly observed it is his duty to transfer all the surplus animals that they may be disposed of at once. Requests to know whether he is to continue the issue of stationery to Supt & Asst Supts as heretofore or whether the specified amount only should be issued. (one Enclosure)
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Reopened for Editing 2023-11-17 12:52:55