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to have the rule modified. One of the Assistant Surgeons at Hampton, and the ones at Yorktown, absolutely require to be mounted, otherwise their duty cannot be performed. One of those at Hampton is chiefly occupied with the Hospital, and with cases in the immediate vicinity, and might possibly perform his duties without a horse. I recommend that two horses be allowed under this head - The Bureau Court in Elizabeth City County requires two mounted orderlies to Serve Subpoenas and other process, and to attend expeditiously to the many details connected with a large court business. Also one mounted orderly for the Superintendent is necessary in connection with the many outlying farms, and to communicate in matters therewith connected. I report in favor of these horses being allowed for these purposes. I also report that three two horse teams are necessary in Elizabeth City County. These not only draw rations and wood, but are chiefly occupied in connection with the moving of the freedpeople. There will probably be one thousand (1000) families to be moved during the year from place to place within the county or in view of leaving it. The furniture, and in many cases the lumber of their houses, must be removed and it will not be done without these teams and this inducement. The large majority of the freedmen must leave their present localities, and even the whites who wish to get them off their lands are unable to furnish teams. Of the fifteen hundred (1500) freedpeople sent away last year fully one half required assistance of this kind. I believe that in the absolute necessity