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E.B. 725 Vo 5 1866
War Department A.G.O.
August 9th, 1866.
Respectfully referred to Adjutant General of Ohio, with the request that he will please furnish this office with an information he may have as to the whereabouts of John. W. Schyles, late Major 88th Ohio Volunteers.

[sig] Thomas M. Vincent
Assistant Adjutant General

Adjt Gen's Office,
Columbus, Aug. 14/66
Respectfully returned to Gen. Thomas M. Vincent, A.A.G. with the information that the present address of Col. John W. Skiles, late Maj. 88th Ohio Vols., & Bvt. Col. of Vols. is Uniontown, Pa. 
B.R. Couier
Adjt. Gen. Ohio