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Danville Va April 15th 1867

Gen"l. O. Brown,
Mr Dear Gen"l
I had started for the county seat to attend Court today when some of the colored men of the town came to me and informed me that Geo Dixon had entered their church last night in a passion and told them that he intended to purchase the Gov'mt Buildings at the place and insisted that they (the Colored people) should not attempt to purchase them ——————
He (Dixon) will write to Gen"l Howard and try to make trouble. He wants the Buildings his own one personal benefit and convenience — I have explained to him how the purchase of the buildings by the colored people would advance their interests
He seems to look to his interest and not to that of the colored people in this matter.
Please write to Gen'l Howard, and see that Dixon does not misrepresent me in this matter,

Very truly Genl
GB Card
Bt Colonel V.R.C.