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Richmond Va
May 9th. 1867.

to Genl. O.B. Browne
Chf. Freedmens Bureau &c in Va.


I have written to the Eastern Shore for explanations of the Petition addressed through your office to Genl. Howard, by Ann. F. Wise Executrix of John C. Wise dec'd and of Wm H. Parker respecting the place or tract of land called Rolliston.  I am awaiting a reply before I reply through you to the said petition. 

Professional business calls me immediately to the Counties of N. Kent & Isle of Wight, and on my return, in about two weeks, I will endeavor to reply to the papers which you were kind enough to put into my hands, and I will return the same.

Very respectfully Yr. Obt. Servt.
Henry A. Wise