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10th ques. What change is there in his bodily condition since the attack? Answer. I dont know. 
11th ques. Has there been a former attack? Dont know. When and of what duration? Answer Dont know. 
12th ques. Has he shown any disposition to commit violence to himself or others? I dont know of my own knowledge, but have heard of threats of personal violence to himself.
[[strikethrough]] 13th ques [[/strikethrough]] The witness knows nothing of the matters, embraced in the 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th questions. 
Question, by Justices.
Do you believe that the prisoner is a Lunatic? 
Answer. I do. 
No further questions being asked, further this deponent sayeth not. 
HG. Johnsont Md.

Robert T. Ellet, M.D. of the age of 
years and by profession a physician, being by us duly sworn, in answer to the following interrogatories, under oath says: 
1st question. What is the patient's age & where born? 
Answer. I dont know his age, and I learn from patient that he was raised in Nottoway County. 
2nd Is he married? He is. If so, how many children has he? He has two, as I am informed.
3rd What are habits, occupation, and reputed property? 
Answer. His habits are active and he is temperate. He is a laborer and has no property.