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Giles County
To wit;

Whereas upon the complaint and information of William H. French this day made to me, R.F. Watts, a Justice of said county, I have good reason to suspect that Dow Umbles, a man of colored is a lunatic, and ought to be committed to an asylum; These are therefore in the name of the Commonwealth to command you forthwith to take the body of the said Dow Umbles and bring him before me at the Clerk's office of the county court of Giles County on the 16th day of April 1867, that he may be examined touching his lunacy, and to be further proceeded with according to law, And you are hereby required to request two other justices of the said county to be then there to enquire with me whether the said Dow Umbles be a lunatic; and further to summon Drs John W. Easley and H.G. Johnston to attend at the same time and place as witnesses to testify touching the lunacy of the said Dow Umbles.

Give under my hand & seal this 15th day of April 1867.

Reuben F. Watts, J.P. (SEAL)
To the Sheriff or any constable of Giles county.
R.F. Watts, J.P.