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Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Office of U.S.A. Com'r. 3rd Div, 6th Sub-Dist. Va.
Tappahannock, Essex Co. Va. July 18.1867.

Capt. E.M. Webber,
Inspector Bur. R.F.& A.L.

     In compliance with your request I report the following in regard to the affair which happened here on the third Monday in May 1867.
     Wm B. Meicon who is a Constable in this county came into my office on that day on business for Mr. R.M. Hunter but the way that I was to transact this business did not meet with his ideas and he at once told me that I did not know my business which he said in an insulting way.  I then ordered him to go out of my office which he refused to do and I put him out; he then called upon his comrads [comrades] to help him kill the d--d Yankee that put him out; soon after James M. Mundy came to me I was then standing in the Office door and he with a crowd around him, rolled up his sleeves and threatened to