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and profits of a very small estate for her support. Your Applicants further show that each and all of them have taken the Amnesty Oath, prescribed by the Presidents proclamation of May 29th, 1865, and in no way excluded from all the benefits of said oath. They further show that their title to said property is undisputed by any person or persons, and that no proceedings have been instituted by the U States, by which the Government has acquired title to said property 

Your Applicants respectfully ask that said property may be restored to them

S.U. Winder
Richard B. Winder
Sarah C Kerr
Mary C. Howard

We Leonard B. Nottingham and William G. Smith residents of Northampton County in the State of Virginia upon our oaths, declare that we know personally Sarah U. Winder, Mary C Howard, Sarah C Ker and Richard B Winder the above named applicants. That they are the identical persons they represent themselves to be, and all the facts stated by them in the