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the public feeling was excited to a very high degree and all feeling much anxiety as to the result.  Liquors were being freely used and conspired in a good degree to increase the anxiety that already existed.

I consulted with Mr Goodyear and by my advise he issued an Order for all the Stores and places where Liquors were sold, to be closed, and remain closed, during the day, which the proprietors very willingly did.

I was fearful that there would be an outbreak which at that time appeared inevitable, and I was satisfied that under the influence of Liquor they would do; what under other circumstances, and in their sober moments they would shun to do, and under these circumstances I advised the closing of those places, by Mr Goodyear

At the appointed time the meeting was duely[?] organized and the services proceeded very quietly for some time.  During some 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-30 12:18:25