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thow she is veary sick at Present, and has Bin for som time Pleas give me a anser if you Pleas by som one or By the Purson that Bringes you this note if you Pleas I was informed By a friend of mine for to Sende for a lawyer and state my case to him bute I havent gote the money for to Pay a lawyer so I thout that you was Beter then a lawyer and woud atende to It for Me for you are the oneley Purson that I can luek to for to Deliver me from this Prison so Do all you can for me and you will oblige me youre Humbel 
William Washington 

P.S. When you sende Me a anser Sende it by one of your ordleyes for if Eney one Else Bringes it the Jalers will take it and Tare it up if thay see it is from you 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-01 10:39:06