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W. 597. R.F. & A.L. Va. 3d V. 1867.

Bureau R.F. and A.L
Head Qrs 3d Sub Dist. Va.
Richmond Va Oct 26/67

Respectfully returned to Bvt Brig Gen'l O. Brown Ass't Comm'r Va inviting attention to receipt of Bvt Capt B.C. Cook A.S.A.C for transportation order, acknowledged hereon.

Paul R Hambrick
Lt 45th Infty Sub A. Com'r

Bureau R.F. and A. Lands.
Office A.S.A.C 1st Div 3rd I. Dist.
Richmond Va. Oct. 25" 1967.

Respectfully returned to Lieut. Paul R. Hambrick S.A.C. 3rd Sub. Dist. Va. acknowledging receipt of Transportation Order No. 2667 for transportation of Mahala Jackson Freedwoman to Washington D.C.
Brig C Cook
Bvt. Capt. and A.S.A.C.

E&M. Vol. 1st 306. 1867. 

[[/image]] STATE OF VIRGINIA BUREAU R.F. & A.L. HD. QRS. COMMISSIONER OCT 26 1867 [[image]]