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Hampton, Virginia
Nov. 19. 1867

To the Assistant Comr.
Bureau R. F & A. L.
Richmond, Va

I have the honor respectfully to ask for the restoration to me, of a lot on Back Street, Hampton, Va, on the Books of the Bureau, R.F.& A.L. as the property of Edmond Rudd, but was purchased by me, from said Rudd in August '66. Mr. Rudd is a non resident of the County at this time; He remained in the County during the whole period of the war, and when he sold the property to me, was not aware that it had been taken up on the Books of the Bureau. His absence from the County, and his extreme ill health and advanced age make it incumbent upon me, to make this application.

I gave permission a few months ago to one of my former female servants, to occupy the lot in question, for a very small consideration; scarcely enough to pay the tax &c. on it, and she still remains there, with no prospect of being turned off. 

I enclose certificate of ownership

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-28 12:31:07